Preserve Our Prairies Initiative

The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) is a lush and productive ecosystem of wetlands and grasslands that evolved after the glaciers retreated 10,000 years ago. The PPR has the world’s best waterfowl nesting habitat, producing a fall flight of ducks unrivaled anywhere on earth. Healthy wetlands are crucial for prairie-nesting ducks, providing nutrients for egg laying and nursery grounds for broods.

Tragically, these vital wetlands continue to be drained and degraded. Grasslands are also vital for nesting waterfowl, but they too are being destroyed at a rapid pace. These ongoing losses make the Prairie Pothole Region one of North America’s most threatened waterfowl habitats.

map: preservation efforts on the northern prairies overlapping Canada and the USA

The PPR has always been a focus of Ducks Unlimited’s conservation work, and that priority remains strong today through the Preserve Our Prairies Initiative. To fill the skies with ducks, DU must continue to safeguard prairie wetlands and grasslands. We must work together to overcome challenges and protect our waterfowling legacy.

For example, the farm bill represents the single largest private lands conservation program in the United States and provides critical funding for important waterfowl friendly programs, such as the Conservation Reserve Program and wetland easement program. Farm bill programs also provide important incentives to landowners […]