Lower Basin Colorado River consumptive use is lowest in 40 years

Average Colorado River consumptive use for the Lower Basin states has been steadily decreasing over the past decade. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has released the 2023 Colorado River Accounting and Water Use Report, which states the most recent Colorado River consumptive use volumes for Arizona, California and Nevada.

Congratulations to the water users in Arizona, California and Nevada.

—Brenda Burman, CAP general manager

In 2023, Lower Basin Colorado River consumptive use was the lowest since 1983. And last year, Arizona’s use was 1.89 million acre-feet (MAF), which is almost a 1 MAF reduction from its 2.8 MAF entitlement. 

“Congratulations to the water users in Arizona, California and Nevada,” says Brenda Burman, CAP general manager. “Pursuant to the Arizona v. California decree, the federal government has released the 2023 Colorado River Accounting and Water Use Report. This shows the lowest consumptive use in the Lower Basin in 40 years. Through mandatory reductions, extraordinary […]

Full article: knowyourwaternews.com