
Membership with H2O IQ provides additional access and privileges. We work hard to put valuable tools and information into the hands of any consumer. We also provide added value, benefits, and features to paying members.

Member-forum discussion and comment might be moderated for language, civility, and relevance. (Our grammar experts may make occasional edits for style and spelling, but we will try to restrain them.) For everyone’s sake, members who do not remain in good standing may be blocked and/or have their memberships suspended.

Membership Levels

“Citizen – Consumer” is free for anyone who registers. This will enable you to participate more fully in our public discussion forums. And you get access to the water-quality and water-location maps, too.
[pmpro_button level=1 text=”Sign up as a Citizen-Consumer – FREE”]

“Advocate – Organizer” is a great way to show your support for this work. You will have entry to a discussion forum designed for presenting and discussing ways to speak up for water rights and to have meaningful action and activities at the community (physical or virtual) level.
[pmpro_button level=2 text=”Sign up: Advocate-Organizer ($35/year)”]

“Manager – Administrator – Municipality” is specifically intended for local government and water district leadership. It’s a great place for meeting colleagues from all over who may be facing similar challenges — and sharing solutions. The answers to a problem don’t always have to come from the nearest cubicle or office when you have an online community of fellow professionals and appointees.
[pmpro_button level=3 text=”Sign up: Manager-Administrator ($365/year)”]

“State Government – Local NGO” is equipped to provide resources to USA state governments and to non-governmental organizations that operate statewide or in major metropolitan areas. If in doubt whether your organization qualifies, we will be happy to answer inquiries. We will work with your representative to help address your particular needs and, in many cases, can create a private discussion forum just for your area of service.
[pmpro_button level=4 text=”Sign up: State Govt-Local NGO ($8,700/year)”]

“National Government – Major NGO” is for any national government organization and for NGOs serving at the national or international level. The water-quality data provided by this site is, at this time, focused largely on the USA. However, while we work to roll out new data stores from more world regions, the other features of this are easily applicable to the needs any location. We will work with members of this level to provide private and/or public areas for discussion, as well as publishing tools for your appointed leaders and moderators.
[pmpro_button level=5 text=”Sign up: National Govt-Major NGO ($38,450/year)”]