Thousands of people were poisoned by the US Navy’s Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, yet over 100 million of...
Red Hill’s Fuel Director Raised An Alarm Before Pipes Leaked. The Navy Removed Her
Photo: Navy. Lt. Cmdr. Shannon Bencs, photographed walking through a Red Hill tunnel. (U.S. Navy photo/2020) [H2O IQ ed: In...
Judge Blocks Red Hill Families’ Effort To Question Navy Admiral Under Oath
Legal precedent sets a high bar for deposing ‘high-level’ government officials. Adm. Samuel Paparo, commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet, will...
Red Hill Chemical Leak Caused By Contractor And Navy Failures, Investigation Finds
Photo: Vice Adm. John Wade, commander of Joint Task Force Red Hill, shared findings from the chemical leak investigation on...
US military — polluting Hawaii’s water supply… and denying it
The Hawaiian governor issued an emergency order to de-fuel the Red Hill Facility. The US Navy has enlisted top lawyers...