San Joaquin River

Senate Committee Holds Hearing on Padilla Bills to Support Ecological Restoration Across California

Photo: Padilla highlights three California watershed restoration bills at ENR committee hearing. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Senate Committee on Energy…

5 months ago

SEI scientist receives prestigious award for water analysis

Photo: SEI Senior Scientist Charles Young and Stantec Principal Engineer Andy Draper receive the Fisher Award at the California Water…

6 years ago

California contemplates water for struggling fish

In an unprecedented move, the state may require upstream users to cut water use to improve water quality in the…

6 years ago

California’s water wars heat up at Sacramento hearing over river flows

At the Capitol on Monday, farmers protest a proposal by water officials to increase flows for the lower San Joaquin…

6 years ago

Defying water suppliers, Palo Alto backs Bay-Delta Plan

Photo: Wapama Falls, far left, flows into the 117-billion-gallon Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite, the source of 85 percent of…

6 years ago