
Central Valley flooding offers birds bountiful water. Will it also poison them?

Photo: Sunset over the Tulare Lake Canal. Farmers fear the canal is inadequately built to hold off the inevitable surge of…

12 months ago

Seabirds Comeback: How Restoration Efforts Can Combat Climate Change

Photo: Puffins return to their summer breeding grounds on the Farne Islands on May 16, 2013, in Farne, England.  (Jeff…

1 year ago

Scientists uncover the amazing way sandgrouse hold water in their feathers

Photo: The belly feathers of the Namaqua Sandgrouse can absorb and retain water so efficiently that the male birds can…

1 year ago

From sewage to oasis: Female duo create Johannesburg green corridor

Merging art, science and activism, two women are on a mission to save one of the city's biggest and most…

3 years ago

Wichita’s new Pracht Wetlands Park is open to the public

Wichita’s newest public park is open and ready for visitors — sort of. Pracht Wetlands Park, on 29th Street just…

5 years ago