
Stormwater biofiltration increases coho salmon hatchling survival

A new study finds that the green stormwater practice bioretention filtration can help protect coho salmon hatchlings from the lethal…

1 year ago

Iowa farms using low-tech systems to filter fertilizer-borne nitrates from water

Photo: A worker shovels wood chips in a bioreactor trench in a farm field, on March 28, 2023, near Roland,…

2 years ago

3 [more?] Surprising Ways Water Depends on Healthy Forests

Healthy forests are critical to providing clean water. Forests can positively impact the quantity, quality and filtration costs associated with…

7 years ago

Removing Trace Metals From Stormwater at Industrial Hard Chrome Plating Facility

Industrial stormwater can contain trace metals above regulatory limits. Although standard water treatment processes are available to treat this water,…

7 years ago

EPA researching freshwater mussels as biofilters in PA, MD and WV

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced a new project to develop innovative methods to improve our understanding of the distribution…

7 years ago