How to Show Your Support

Buy me a coffee?

Help fuel the work and keep volunteer spirits high!

Funds may pass through my “External Design” business account — or ask me for Venmo details.

Feeling generous?

100% of your donation will support the work of

Safe and secure — no account required.

Donate any amount.

To show ongoing support, choose the “monthly” or “yearly” option — you can opt out at any time.*

The State of This Project

This is a feel-good project and that’s enough — while we can sustain it in our semi-retirement years.

“We” means editor and designer-developer Marlin Ouverson. H2O IQ and its website are not registered as a 501(c)(3) or other non-profit for tax purposes at this time.

As with our work DBA External Design, we’ll continue striving to keep the tools simple, their value high, and complex information easier to explore and understand.

Thank you for your interest, and for your support for water issues.

*Canceling a recurring PayPal donation is easy:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the Settings icon next to “Log out.”
  3. Select Preapproved Payments under “Payment settings.”
  4. Select the merchant whose agreement you want to cancel and click Cancel.
  5. Click Cancel Profile to confirm your request.